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We want to buy an Alpaca!(with your help!)


I have often commented to our Creative Soul artists we should get an alpaca and harvest, dye,

I have often commented to our Creative Soul artists we should get an alpaca and harvest, dye, and spin wool for projects! But it isn’t feasible-no space. Some of our artists came up with a great idea we could indeed buy an alpaca for: farming families in need in Ecuador’s Andean highlands!

Alpacas are accustomed to the high elevation of the Andes and thrive in mountainous terrain. They live about 20 years, and each alpaca produces around 10 pounds of wool annually — plenty to use, and extra to sell. That’s long-term income the families can use to help build better futures. World Vision, a highly rated charity, has an option to purchase and donate an alpaca for $360. Our artists have graciously donated art pieces for our Alpaca Fund that will retail for $10 each cash or check made out to World Vision.

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